Monday, November 24, 2008

“My test of a good novel is dreading to begin the last chapter”
-Thomas Helm

Ok so I’ll admit, as much as I love the classics and books that really make you think, I also really like "Chick Lit". I love to just be able to sit back, relax and read something fun for hours. But here’s the thing girls, unfortunately the majority of the chick lit put out there for us to read is crap. Apparently many young adult authors think that all we want to read about is high school drama: drugs, sex, hott guys and mean girls. I personally think this kind of writing has gotten really old. We deal with enough of that junk in our everyday lives. Now I’m not saying I don’t like books that are realistic, but do you really want to have to read about all of that nastiness when you are trying to enjoy yourself? I know I don’t. So here are some of my favorite examples of good "Chick Lit", written by authors who definitely think more of us than those who write trash for us to read.

The Truth About Forever, Just Listen, This Lullaby, Lock and Key, all by Sarah Dessen

Waking Rose and the other fairytales retold books by Regina Doman

Amazing Grace, by Megan Shull

Enthusiasm, by Polly Shulman

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 1, 2 & 3, by Ann Brashares*

All American Girl and Avalon High, by Meg Cabot*

Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn, by Stephenie Meyer*

*I’m not suggesting these authors and everything they write, only those particular books I listed written by them.

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